RD FD is a new word in the world of network marketing. As we are quite aware with the concept of multilevel marketing and getting benefits with this short of marketing strategy.
Rd-Fd generally refers regular deposit and fixid deposit and this software solution generally belongs credit coprative society and nidhi limited companies as we are much aware from some of companies that provides us facility to use our fund in better manner where we can save the earning and can get benefit of our amount after investing it for certain duration of time on the behalf of any agreement like property purchase of gold purchase.
Mini Banking Software Solution
On the semiliar concept many big companies of credit coprative soceity . Already working from more than ten years and many of their agreement holder getting benefit.
You can call this software a mini banking software as well. Our MLM software can be compatible to different kinds of marketing plans carrying distinct amounts. Obviously, the rates of interest also vary from one plan to another. This unique product of MLM Software India will precisely help you in each and every step.